So it's 3 minutes past midnight at the moment which technically means I am late with my blog update this week. Oh noes! I'm sure you don't mind though ;)
Well this week I have been pretty busy putting together some of my blossom headbands. I've done a couple of the newborn ones which have a single small blossom, perfect for that new little bubba.
Then I have about 6 different combos so far in the two tone headbands which are sized for 4-12mths old.I think this could work on a 1yr-7yr sized headband as well but more so for the younger age rather than the older.
Since I have been looking into applying for some market stalls in the nexr future I thought I better design some sort of display card. I do have my biz cards but I really didn't want to use them as their design isn't really suited for clips. Plus if I designed and printed my own then I can change it to how I want it...which is what I did!
You can see the design below. I have made them with the basic information on them and not too overpowering in colour either. I like my clips to be the focus on the cards where some others have quite busy clip cards and thats ok too. What I like about these new ones is it incorporates my new pink/aqua/blue colours even though they aren't too bright.
Another little task hat I have been doing over the past couple of weeks is taking in T-shirts of my boyfriends that are too big. All of them have come from America and their sizing/fit is quite a bit different to ours so I've had to take in some tops so that they are decent enough to wear.
The last one I did was a Tampa Bay top and when I was trimming off the excess on the inside I ended up with two long stretchy strips. So what did I do?? I tied them around my head to make a you do. It actually stayed in place really well and doesn't look too bad.
Then I had to take the sleeves up as they were too long. Again I had some excess bits when I gave them a trim and as you do....I turned my cat into a ninja with the leftovers! Now we have matching headbands.
Probably the best news that I got all week is that my friend finally had her bubba!! She went 10 days over and was meant to get induced on Wednesday but it didn't happen until Thursday (I am guessing) and then little miss Grace was brought into the world at 1:30am this morning!! I am going for a visit to mum, dad and bubba tomorrow so I am going to take my camera with me and hopefully get some cute snaps of lil G.
But now that she is here I feel safe showing you all the personalised bunting that I made as a pressie for the baby shower!!
I know it's not the best photo but I had no-where I could hang it and take pretty pictures.
However I am very lucky and mummy took a piccie of it hanging up in bubbas nursery!
Well I have been awake now for about....18hours and I am quite tired and need some sleepies as I have quite a busy day tomorrow.