So I chose this cute hot pink with white spots material and cut out my pieces. I had to sew each of the sides and the crotch area and then overlock them. Well...I don't have an overlocker so this was a new learning step for me! I was testing out overcasting stitches and settled on this one which I thought looked the best and worked the best with the fabric. Looks alright and saves me going out and getting an overlocker for $300-$500.
Once that was done then you have to 'overlock' the leg holes and the waist band. I found this step to be allllright but when I came to the seams the material seemed to go a little weird on me which left the leg holes a little bumpy but again....alright for my first go!
The legs and the waist have to have elastic put in them to make it gather and grow with the bubs so I had to make a casing on the legs and on the waist. Now it did say in all of the tutorials that I have read that the leg holes can be a little tricky as they are on a curve and you just need to work with the material.
That was an understatement! This part took me FOR..EV...ER! I must admit that I do get frustrated easily and tend to give up on things if I can't do them. I had done one leg and it looked ok and wasn't TOO hard but then I got to the second leg hole and this is where it came undone. I had to get up from my machine half way through and google tips and tricks (which didn't help) and then go off and distract myself for 10minutes so that I could sit back down feeling a little freshened up.
I must say the leg holes weren't perfect but as the tutorials say, once you put the elastic in then majority of the little imperfections seem to melt away. Well I had a few big imperfections as I could still see them once the legs were complete but I am still happy with how it turned out. I am hoping to test it out on my friends bubba girl this week to see how it fits.
TA-DA! This is the finished product and a much better photo than the ones above. I suppose that happens when you have terrible lighting and are using a phone camera :)
So now I am onto my second nappy cover and did this one a little differently. You know how I said I had issues overlocking the leg holes and stuff?? Well I did it before sewing any seams..duh Bree! So the tops and leg sides/holes were done while it was still in two pieces instead of one!
Also I am not afraid of using as many pins as I need now. I used to try and use as little pins as I need as I don't like leaving pin holes and I just find them annoying but I have given up on that way of thinking now.
Here is the product so far! Now I just need to iron over my casings and then do my FAVOURITE (not) step and see if having a more even leg hole makes a difference. Keeping my fingers crossed doing it this way makes it a tad easier.
Keep watching this space for an update!