Friday, December 3, 2010

It's starting to look a lot like....

....Christmas! Only 23 more sleeps until Santa will be on his way around the world to all of the good boys and girls. Apparently Santa is bringing my nephew a camera if he gives him his dummy. Lets see how long that will last haha He seems pretty excited about his camera and his 'microphone' which I found out the other day is actually The Wiggles sing star game. That should be quite hilarious.

Anywho I have about 90% of my orders complete which is nice! Just two korkers to make and I am done. I just need to make some chrismassy stuff for my baby niece and then do some christmas presents too.

I got to finally finish the clippy bows using the glitter ribbon. I must say that I love the look of the glitter ribbon, so classy and cute. BUT it is kinda weird and difficult working with it because it's got a different texture to the normal ribbon. Either way it us still useable and still cute! I'll have to upload some pics once I have got them off my camera. Was going to be my job for tonight but I am just so tired (yet can't sleep) that I didn't get around to it. But I am home tomorrow so I'll do it sometime then!

I also have 3 parcels to pick up tomorrow from the PO. I am expecting hair parcels but I don't think it'll be in there, I am hoping its Chrissy presents.

Oh also I got my order of cute little wedding flowers the other day so I have been fixing some of those up to use in headbands or even some clippies! I'll have to have a play :D

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