Monday, November 29, 2010

Holidays are never long enough...

How I wish I was still on holidays! Not necessarily where I was but I'd like some more time off work, I'm not ready to go back!! *tear*

Been trying very hard to get as much of my orders done since I've been back so I can post them out ASAP. Hoping to get them finished tomorrow night then I can play around with my new flowers that I got today!! *big smiles*

Also this weekend I have to make some more clip holders for chrissy presents for family/friends kids. Hoping I can make them quicker then last time. I'll have to post some pics once I have finished them.

Well I've had a terrible headache all day which has been making me a bit sick so I've pushed myself to do some orders and also fit in some chrissy shopping and now I think it's time for bed! Back to work tomorrow....

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