Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hello...Hands? Do you read me?

Well tonight my head and hands just don't seem to want to work together. I have a friends daughters christmas present as my current project and that HAS to be finished tomorrow as we're giving it to her on Saturday. Well these creative juices just aren't flowing in the right direction I'm afraid. I am hoping it's only because I am feeling very 'blah' today with the humidity and my persistant headache and tomorrow I'll wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Although tomorrow I have a massive day, Dr's in the morning, then getting my car serviced, need to find time to make brownies and MAYBE some shortbread biscuits (prob not) as well as finish these hair accessories AND a hair clip board...then I'm going over a friends and she's going to put some colour in my fringe. I do have a whole heap of other stuff that can get done too but these are on the top of my agenda at the moment....oh wait...forgot I have to go to the PO as well sometime tomorrow too.

So once I have finished the hair clip board I will post some progressive photos up on here. I have two different types I have done. One is with a canvas and covering it with material, where the other one is a picture frame and just backed it with some scrapbooking paper with strips of ribbon. I'm never 100% happy with anything I make so I think it looks alright (the frame one) but I always think I can do better somehow.

On the upside I got back my replacement Thomas Sabo ring today (long long story) after it being in 'repair' for almost 3months LOL All I can say is I am not getting another Thomas Sabo product.

Hope to have something new up soon for you all to look at!

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