Friday, July 22, 2011

Keep Calm and...

Have you seen the influx of "Keep Calm and.." posters or signs that are around lately?? I have no idea where the craze has come from, probably some celebrity had it on a bag or a shirt or something??

Anywho I was looking at some of them last night which then led to me looking at some blogs and what people have done with their own "Keep Calm and..." signs. One that is sticking in my head is where one lady had 'Keep Calm and cook on" up in her kitchen. I thought that was very cute! Oh I also LOVE the "Keep Calm and eat a cupcake" signs too. That would be a pretty cool name for a cupcake business actually. BUT I did come across a lady that had a craft one in her craft room...of course! So that got me thinking...and thinking....and then I thought I want one of those!

After my physio appointment this morning I had time to kill before my doctors appointment so I headed down to Sams Warehouse for some discount window shopping. I ended up finding the white frame that was only $3.00...however they had a sale on their frames and it came down to $2.10!! HA!! I am tempted to go grab some more for god knows what!

The frame isn't perfect but I really like it that way, it appeals to me. It sort of reminds me of the old houses with a cornice that has been repaired and repainted. If you take a look at the pic above and see the close up of the corner then you'll see what I mean.

When I got home I searched for "Keep Calm and..." crafty signs but didn't really like any that were coming up. BUT....I did find this pretty cool website that generates the sign for you! You can even upload your own picture if you want instead of having the little crown. I was tempted to put some scissors or something but I like the crown. Plus I think the pink background makes it stand out really nicely. Obviously.....I ended up going with "Keep Calm and Be Creative"....I think it applies to a lot of different areas :) The website I used is:

So once I had that saved to my computer I hooked up my little photo printer to my laptop and printed it off! It didn't come out perfect (perfect seems to be the word of the day) and is a little blurry/pixelated around the letters and the little crown but it isn't that noticeable.

I'm not sure where I will be putting it yet as I REALLY want to re-arrange the spare/laundry/craft room to be a bit more organised. So at the moment here it is sitting on my desk in front of my ribbons.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

TTFN xxx

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