Monday, July 18, 2011

Bow Ties 4 Lil Guys!

This week is only going to be a quick post to introduce my new range that I am working on!

Bow Ties for Lil Guys

What do you guys think?? A couple of my customers have been asking if I could make some boys accessories and since I already made fabric bows as hairclips I thought a larger version would be great for bow ties. The only issue I am having is how big to do the bow tie. Do I make it a little larger for extra cuteness or should I try and keep it in proportion as much as I can?? I tested out the above size on a friends son who is 6 years old and it looked quite good! Not too big and not too small....juuuust right! I could do it a little bigger if a more oversized look is desired. But I think this size could cater for lil dudes from about 2years old up until about 6years old. I haven't actually measured it against a mans bow tie yet to see how different it is.

I was a little unsure about the maroon checked material but it turned out look awesome! I also have a bigger lime green check material which I think will be even better. Then I have a blue spot and a black spot! I am hoping to venture into neck ties as well eventually but I think I'll wait till I get the bow ties down pat first!

TTFN xxx

1 comment:

  1. They look great! I would love to order a blue polka dot in a 2 year old size and maybe a green check in a newborn size please. Can't wait to see them :-)
