Thursday, May 5, 2011

When it rains, it pours!

I have been a busy little bee the last week! Everyone seems to put their orders in at the same time but I can't complain! First of all I hope that everyone had a great Easter! I know that I did but didn't eat as much chocolate as I should of, so I have heaps left over! I was sick over the Easter long weekend though which kinda sucked! I ended up having to go on antibiotics for sinusitis. Almost 2 weeks afterwards and I think it has left me for some other poor unsuspecting human being. *Fingers crossed*

I have actually been playing with a lot of new ideas over the last 2 weeks which has been refreshing and exciting. I have been playing with my bling buttons on my rannies and on my petunias. I have a pic of the purple petunia on the bottom left. This one will be off to Kylie at Daylight Imagery for her photoshoot. Hoping to have all of her items ready by the end of this week so I can post them off next week! Although I'm not expecting my shoot to be done anytime soon as Kylie has now gone fulltime with her business and is pretty packed out!

One of my customers, Tara liked the look of one of my headbands and asked if I could make it in a clip for her to put on her DDs beanie. So with a few tweaks here and there I was able to replicate it and it looks simply devine on the hot pink beanie...pictured above on the top right.

I have also been playing around with my photography 'skills' lately. I use the term skills loosely. I have seen some of the ladies on an american forum take some lovely pics of their products with funky background and though I would have a go at it. So I made myself some backgrounds and printed them off on the computer. You can see one of my pics on the bottom right. The red rannie looks pretty awesome against the black and white damask print and I have to admit that it would probably be one of the better photos I have taken LOL I have another one on my camera which I'll have to load and see if it's any good. I am thinking that before printing off the background maybe I should 'blur' it abit in photoshop first and then I'll get the required look regardless if my camera wants to focus or not. heh...Ok thats cheating.

Last but not least I hope everyone has a great Mothers Day. I am not 100% sure what is going on this year with my MD as my plans and my boyfriends mothers plans seem to have clashed a little bit. This brings me to my pic in the top left corner....those are my cool new funky kitty slipper sock/shoe type things! They were out for mothers days gifts but I couldn't pass them up and I'm glad I didn't. They are super comfy and keep my little tooties from getting cold which is a massive thing considering my feet are ALWAYS cold.

Oh also I have created an 'event' on Facebook for my big first birthday party sale! Try saying that three times quick. For anyone who wants to join in on the festivities here is the link...!/event.php?eid=128727477203046

TTFN. Have a great weekend! xoxo

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