Monday, April 25, 2011

Princesses, Flowers and Chocolate..oh my!

Where does the time go? The weeks are going by so fast I can't seem to keep up sometimes! This week has been rather quiet at work but I have been coming home more tired than usual. Then on Friday (first day of our 5 day long weekend) I woke up with a sore throat and start of stuffy sinuses so I am putting down my tiredness to the beginning of a cold.

Anyway for some Brees Bowtique updates! I got my delivery of Rannies...finally!! They are actually a lot nicer in real life then what I was expecting so I am more then happy! I also got some rhinestone flowers in my order and they are so pretty and sparkly that I will be keeping my eye out for a group buy on these to get some more.

I have also gone a little princess mad this week! I finally got to finish off my princess clippy bows that have been sitting on my desk for a couple of weeks now. I've also put to use some of my little sequined crowns on my elastic headbands.

Not sure if I have mentioned it yet...(I probably have) but I am getting Kylie from Daylight Imagery to do some pro photos for me of my products! I was hoping to get everything together by this weekend but I do really want to send her a crochet beanie however my supplier STILL hasn't got back to me yet. While she is a good supplier and decent pricing I am going to have to take my business elsewhere if she doesn't pick up her game.

So anyhow if you want to check out some of Kylies pics then head on over to her website or you can 'like' her page on Facebook.

Then I have a lil bunny in the bottom corner...why? Because of Easter! Hope everyone had a great weekend and didn't overdose on chocolate...too much.


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