Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Long time, No see!

First of all I have to apologise to everyone for being absent for so so long! It has been over 2 months since I last updated which is really usual for me since I was doing it weekly or sometimes bi-weekly!

So what have I been up to??? Well ALOT!!! *Looks back to see what last blog post was about* I have been giving my sewing machine a bit of a workout since getting it for my birthday! I have started a line of bandana bibs that are for dribblers and I've also dabbled in a little bit of applique work too!

I've also designed my own paper bags which can be used for local deliveries or gifts or markets! * If I ever get to doing any!* They look pretty good and I thought I was pretty clever.

Then with quite a few orders recently I have also fitted in releasing a christmas range of clips and flowers and stuff!! They haven't been overly popular yet but I don't think people want to think about chrissy just yet!

I've also had a lot of personal issues slow me down. My injuries are not getting better (actually getting worse) and looks like I will be having a cortizone injection and if that doesn't work then I'll have to have an op on my neck. I really didn't want to even have to get to the stage of a cortizone but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...

Also my nan was on hospital for 2 weeks with kidney failure and we've had so many hiccups since then due to the hospital (doctors) being....well....doctors lol Long story so I won't explain.

Hope everyone else is having a better time than me!


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