Friday, August 19, 2011

Quick Update...

Feels like forever since I last updated but it has only been about 18 days...I suppose thats a long time in blog world!

Just a quick update for everyone to let you know I haven't fallen off the face off the earth I've just had a lot of diff things happen lately. First of all my laptop died so I went out and bought a new one the night after (Can I hear impulse buy?) but after looking around I got a great deal and I suppose everything happens for a reason, right!?

Before all of that I have been busy with work/work placement/studying and trying to recovery from my car accident injuries which just isn't happening as quick as I'd like. I've also had lots and lots of birthdays too including my own where I got my sewing machine!!! YIPPEE!! It's been almost 2 weeks since my birthday and I still haven't got it out of the box yet, however tomorrow I am home and thats one of the things on my list! Already have a project lined up.

Anywho everything is slowly going back to normal and I'm catching up on adding programs and whatever else to my new laptop.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! TTFN xx

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