Monday, April 4, 2011

Personal Project - Embellished top Part 1

Well I have decided to do something a little different for this post. That is why you don't see the little group of piccies to the left!

I have been wanting to embellish a top with some yoyo's for ages but I could never find 'the' fabric that I wanted to make it with. That was until I stumbled across a gem in one of my op shops near work last week. I'm really not sure what the fabric is but it's soft yet solid, quite sheer and a white/off white colour.

So above you can find the shirt 'before' it's transformation. I went with a basic black stretch 3/4 sleeve top. It's Autumn (or fall) here in Aussieland so it's just starting to get cool enough to wear longer sleeved tops during the day. It was just a normal everyday shirt from BigW for a bargain price of $8.49 or something like that.

Here you will find the three main ingredients for making my yoyos! My two yoyo makers, I think they come out at about 1inch and 2inch sizes. My sheer material, which I think must have been used as some type of curtain or something? Then the all important needle and thread! Normally whatever colour thread I use doesn't really matter as you can't see it once the yoyo is finished but since this material was sheer I thought it may be better to go with a matching colour.

(insert) Having lunch and watching TV while making yoyo's all afternoon (/insert)

Then voila! I have a group of lovely soft pretty yoyos! I made 4 larger ones and 6 smaller ones. I did have a little bit of trouble with some yoyos because the fabric is so thin the knot on the thread would pull through. But I didn't let that stop me!

Then comes the tricky bit of laying them out on the top and deciding where I want to put them! I do have to factor in that when I put the top on they will stretch out a teeny weeny bit.

So these are the patterns that I have come up with so far! I am probably leaning towards the first picture at the moment. I feel that they look better spread out but I may need to add one more small one in that space on the bottom right. Hmmm what do you think???.....

Once I know what pattern I like I just need to find my little beads and sequins to sparkle up the yoyos!

To be continued....


  1. Gorgeous Bree! I love them spread out also. What if you kept the ones toward the middle a bit closer together, but then spread out the smaller ones as they go out?
    Love Ez

  2. Sounds good Ez! I'm going to put the top on and pin them to see how it looks.
