Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Sale!

Well I posted up my first sale today on my Facebook page and it has gone better then what I thought it would! The whole point of the sale was to get rid of stock that I had...however I ended up making new things for the sale too lol I couldn't help myself. But I guess making new stuff is kinda like getting rid of stock as I am making things with elastic and stuff....aahh yeah. Thats my reasoning.

I didn't get my website up and running like I wanted to over the Christmas break. I also didn't get ANY of my study done which I want to over the Christmas break and now I have two days left before I go back to work *sad face*. The first week of holidays went really well and I was enjoying it but then this last week has just flown by which kinda sucked haha

Hope everyone had a great chrissy and new years!!

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